September 26, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


How many of us deny and deflect our pain when someone gets close to the hurts we feel or carry? We can change the subject and go to another topic we are much stronger in or in something we have achieved with excellence- and oftentimes we do that. 

Many of our souls are starving for attention and in need of a full or a fulfilled heart.

We stay off wounds that crack us wide open. Our hurts run deep, just like the woman at the well. Her story was very deep, and she was deeply wounded and possibly thought she’d like to keep them hidden there….

But NO! She had an encounter with Jesus.

The devil will continually stir up pain in our lives to keep us off track and stuck, but when we take our hurts to God, He intends to heal us through relationship with Him. In dealing with our hurts with Jesus, we can then be free from our bondage.

God has your back. The Bible tells us, “Goodness and mercy follow us.” (Psalm 23), and that indicates God has your back! He redeems you of your past and your hurts! He can restore you by forgiving you, healing you, and redeeming you so that no memory will trigger you to extremely harmful thinking. You  no longer need to be a victim with Christ involved in your life. He will help you overcome through the POWER of Who He IS!

For me, I used to bury and veer from conversations that I thought would hurt me. Now, I can face it full force and use the pain of my past for God’s purpose. What a freeing life it has become for me, and in the midst of it all, I get to help others move from their pain to helping find God’s purpose for their lives!

 God is so good. Trust Him!