September 19, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


“Unless I see His hands the print of the nails… I will not believe.” (John 20:25)

Many of us have heard the phrase not to be a “doubting Thomas.” How many times in our life when it comes to truth from God’s Word, do we still doubt? 

In the Bible, when Thomas saw a problem in every answer, Jesus turned it around and saw an answer to every one of his problems! This gets me excited because it pulls me out of my doubting days when sometimes my brain hurts from trying to figure it out. I think about those exasperating times of disbelief, which convicted me quickly, but before those days quickly led me to discouragement. Now, I need to bring it to God in prayer quickly for resolve. He always brings me an answer in some way, shape, or form.

Thankfully, God gives us answers to all our doubts. He tells us, “We do not have because we do not ask.” (James 4:2) When we are in doubt over something we don’t understand in His Word, bring it before the Lord in prayer. 

May this scripture remind us that Jesus showed Thomas His hands and Thomas said, “My Lord and my God.” (John 20:28) He acknowledged Thomas’s question and gave an answer to his doubting.

When you see Jesus, as Thomas did, you will suddenly realize all the proof you think you need about something really doesn’t matter any more. Why? Because when you acknowledge God, as Thomas did, you’ll know- that if He said something- you’ll believe it!