September 17, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Our goal as Leaders is to raise women up. Practice seeing people through the eyes of God.  Do you see yourself able to encourage women into a position where they are inspired to grow spiritually?

This is an area we can all ask God to help us with. Most of us speak to women every day. Whether it be family members, friends, co-workers or yourself, we talk and communicate with women of all ages all over the planet.

Your heart is what makes the difference when building another woman up, no matter who she is.  Put your heart and emotion into encouragement, and you can reach her. Remember, do not talk about yourself continuously or about “your” own agenda. Listen! Be a good listener. A God listener! Pick up on things He guides you to hear.

Our goal as a Woman World Leader is to raise another woman up in Christ.

You can do this. We all can do this!

Roman’s 12:11…”Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

We can plant- we can water- and God will help them grow. He will raise them up, but He will use “you” to be the “spark” to get the fire going through your love, listening, and encouragement in Christ.