August 18, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


“It was good to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.” (Psalm 119:71-72)

Devastation and affliction are overwhelming, and the loss of what you held on to can be the beginning of your restoration of what God has planned for you.

God never leaves you in the place of despair. He is closest to you when you need Him the most. When everything is taken away, and you’re left with nothing but the breath of life, God is still by your side.

The things of this world don’t affect God the way they can affect us. When we know not what to do and we are in a place where all we can do is cry out His name, know that He hears our cries! He will give you the peace that no one understands but prays for. 

The peace that remains with you is the assurance that God will make a way, that His promises for your life are still intact and that His plans for your life have not changed. When a promise is all you have to hold on to, it is still the hope that tomorrow will bring. God will restore, He will rebuild, and He will remain your strength and perseverance.

Every waking moment that you concentrate on Him will be what gets you through your circumstance and builds your strength and power. If God has removed the things of old, it’s only because He’s making room for the new. So remain faithful and continue to trust, for God is moving on your behalf.

 Laurie Sammarco