July 20, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


I praise God that He is a God of second chances! And thirds and fourths…and He forgives! If it were not so, I would never have the blessings of serving my Lord in this incredible ministry He orchestrated.

Years ago, I asked God to break my heart for the very thing that breaks His. He showed me very clearly where I was running away from Him and His will for my life. Do you ever wrestle with God and what He wants from your life? Maybe what He may have been calling you to do in the recent past or even now in present? What is He calling you to do right now?

Think about Jonah, who had to be swallowed by a big fish in order to hear from God. God will go to great lengths to get us where we need to be with Him! When God called Jonah to go to Ninevah, Jonah ran in the opposite direction, far from it…God got the attention of Jonah. In a crazy way, God got his attention and focus back on Him!

Don’t wait for God to get your attention. If need be, and He has to, may He be merciful upon you. I thank God He got my attention mercifully. I heard His voice loud and clear. STOP IT!

Look at any calamity in your life that is self-inflicted and clean up your house. Ask God, like Jonah did, “What do I need to do, Lord?”  From the depths of your heart, ask God to help you make the right decisions, and bring you out of any pit of despair. 

God commanded the fish to vomit Jonah onto dry land. God knows where you are and what you are doing; He can make a way for you.


Don’t run in the opposite direction of what God is calling you to do. Take the warning and hear His voice.