July 12, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


We are women who serve Jesus wholeheartedly. There are times we must call on God for some serious help. A good way, no a great way to do this – is fast.

Esther demonstrated maturity and wisdom in declaring a fast.(Esther 4:16-17). There was a situation beyond her control, and only a breaking in the spirit and a strategy from God would bring the deliverance her people needed. She called for a fast.

Have you ever thought to fast and pray over a serious need? It’s biblical. 

Fasting is a spiritual discipline God established to achieve breakthroughs in our lives and the lives of others. 

Before we attempt to do great things for the Lord, we should take time out to fast. Our choices must become fully influenced by the power of the Holy Spirit.

There’s a battle going on out there; the devil is out for blood. The enemy of your soul does not want Godly solutions for your life. People are hurting. Nations are raging. It was true in Esther’s day, and it’s true for each of us today.

Consider a fast and go into prayer before making that “choice” that is pressing on you. Be certain it’s God leading you, not your own feelings…

Look up fasting in God’s word and see how He used it in so many stories. Prayerfully consider a fast before your next step of action that has a chance of a significant outcome. God’s divine intervention makes for a POWERFUL movement.