July 4, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Today’s in the USA we celebrate independence day. More than just fireworks up in the sky Independence Day (or the Fourth of July), is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. 

In reflection of Independence Day let’s focus on the word independence today in a biblical meaning. In the Bible, independence can have multiple meanings: Independence in Christ, independence in Christ is found in Christ, who is the source of dependence.

It can mean freedom from sin and death, being able to know and do God’s will, and living out life in God’s grace through Jesus Christ for eternity.

And when it comes to God’s independence, His independence is defined as not needing anything from us or creation. God allow us to glorify and bring him joy.

When I think of the the word in my service to God, I need to remain independent and free from outside control and influence in my life of walking with Christ. 

“Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord. But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him”. (Jeremiah 17:5,7)

I once turned myself away from my walk with Jesus to a life of self satisfaction. It brought pain and heartbreak with that “so called independence.” I confessed that lifestyle, ran back to God and now am dependent on Him, fully!

Depending on God, or trusting in God, is a fundamental part of our Christian life. I know and can testify that depending on God brought many benefits, including:

Wisdom and insight: God can transform us through His thoughts and words, and we can depend on Him for wisdom and guidance.

Faith growth: Relying on God can help us grow in faith, as working harder or forcing ourself may not produce those desired results.

Strength: Depending on God can deepen determination and provide divine strength. I can not express enough the strength God gives each day when you solely depend on Him.

Peace: An intimate relationship with God can lead to perfect peace in your being.

Guidance: God knows everything, including our desires and future plans. He can help navigate us through our life’s troubles.

Reliability: We can trust in God’s reliability, word, ability, and strength! Oh, how we can TRUST IN HIM! The Bible says that God cannot lie and always keeps His promises. 

 I see God’s promises are new every day. May you become free in Christ and independent from this world and DEPENDENT on your Savior, Jesus Christ!