God is the author of your story!
Have FAITH and believe that He is preparing YOU for something greater. It won’t be easy, but it will be rewarding!
His preparation comes with~test, trials, afflictions, signs, wonders, and miracles.All this happens during the process of fulfilling the story that God is writing just for you.
The Bible says in Isaiah 48:10(NIV), “See, l have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.”
God is not done…
We grow in suffering, and we grow in doing HARD THINGS! God wants to refine all of us. Trials will grow and mature us. It is in the fire that we are taught dependence on God.
If you are facing something hard today~Do not lose heart! Trials remind us of what matters the most-our relationship and walk with God. We need Him, and He will shield us from the heat.
Hold strong to your FAITH and walk with the Holy Spirit for better understanding of your purpose.
God has called you to this moment ~ right here and right now!
When your story is close to completion, and you are standing in the will of God, you will come out like Job, who had seven times what he had lost. You will stand with the lions in the den like Daniel. You will defeat Goliath. YOU will have victory.
This is our Hope.
At the end of this story, as Jesus sits at the right side of God, enjoying the power given to Him in heaven over earth, YOU will be there too. Home!
What you are doing is important. Keep Going.
Connie Van Horn- North Carolina