If you are an Overcomer in your life, we praise God for that with you. One thing is certain; there is brokenness out there in different ways; broken minds, broken hearts, broken relationships, and broken lives.
If we aren’t broken now, praise God! But…we have most probably experienced being broken at some point in our lives.
God tells us we can’t live close to Him and not experience some healing. We all want that, don’t we?
It’s true that we have not because we ask not. God wants us to draw near to Him so any brokenness can become healed in Jesus.
We can receive the healing that flows naturally from God’s presence whether we seek it or not; that’s a fact. Do you realize there is so much more available to you, though, if you’d only ask?
The first step I’ve found in healing is to live close to God. The closer I am to God, the more He reveals to me.
When the time is right, which is any time we find a need for healing in our lives, God wants us to ask Him for that specific healing-healing from brokenness in us or other people, healing from disease, healing from physical or emotional damage, or healing in all of them.
The healing may be quick, or it may be a process. God determines that.
Nothing is more powerful than knowing we can ask God anything while we are walking in His presence. Smile, trust God and know that He’s got you!
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.” ( 1Thessalonians 5:16-18)