June 9, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Sitting at the feet of Jesus is like receiving a day at the spa! We all know what a spa is like. Ahhhh, can you feel all the love from Him in the tranquility of the moment flowing through your mind? You are glowing with relaxation and perfect peace as you float into the beauty of His holiness, then walk away refreshed and renewed.

Much like that description is what we get when we have the privilege to bask in the presence of our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone around us will know it! Something takes over inside you, and it shows on the outside…

Coming away from your time of prayer, praise, and worship allows God to detox all the poisons from your being. The power of the Holy Spirit steps in. It’s like drinking a refreshing cup of water on a terribly hot summer day. You get filled to capacity with a refreshing moment.

Yesterday morning, I had the privilege of two full hours with Jesus! Praising Him, praying with Him and communicating through His Word and then as it ended, I was sharing the needs and desires of my heart with Him, and I knew being in His presence, He heard it all. 

I think everyone I’ve spoken with throughout the day had noticed the “renewed” spirit within me.

It’s like taking a dried sponge, dropping it in water and then poof! It’s filled to capacity with liquid. Wha’la, that was me; I was filled to the rim with the fullness of God through my experience, which focused on Him alone. You can relate if you’ve made the time and allowed Jesus to be present with you in the moments of solitude.

“Be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.” (Colossians 3:10 NLT)