June 3, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Being held by another feels so very good. Many of us are alone with no one to touch us or hold us close the way we need to be held. We often feel that longing that grabs at us for just a simple hug to let us know everything will be ok.

We are told in scripture many times that we are held by God. There is a peace that comes when we are reminded, I am in God’s hands. He is wise and He is loving and He is perfectly on time. Do you feel His presence when you need Him? He makes a way for you to feel His arms of love.

He is not indifferent about the anxieties you may carry. He cares. He is not angry when you slip up and make a mistake. However, He wants you to confess anything that is sinful in your life, and He will forgive you. He’s going to take care of you because He is your Father who loves you. 

God has a plan for your life and is guiding you. And that guidance is informed by His love,  planned in His wisdom, and timed in His sovereignty. God does not comfort us from afar, but nearness. God is always close. He has YOU!

Go to the scriptures to be held by your Heavenly Father. 

Psalm 27:10 says, “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.”

Believe this with all your heart: God holds you and will not let you go.