April 5, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Did you know that when you have destructive thoughts on repeat, you actually damage your brain? When you allow fear to rule and reign (instead of peace), you open the door to a cascade of inflammation (which is the soil for sickness and disease to grow).

Can you see why the enemy loves to place fear that comes at you to distract you off the faith path? We need both faith and wisdom, love and discernment and forward movement of Jesus guiding us to battle the enemy’s lies.

Dr. Tim Jennings, in his book, “The God Shaped Brain”  explores how a right view of God heals us from the inside out. And, a wrong view of God, damages us in ways we cannot comprehend. It’s how we are taught. 

Reading about the brain is so fascinating to me, but from a Godly perspective. We need to be very careful what we allow ourselves to be taught about the brain. 

God wired us but He also equipped us to battle the unseen and unknown that targets our thinking. It’s so important that we not give our thoughts free-reign during times of fear in our lives. It’s easy to fall into belief systems that are unhealthy if we don’t put on the mind of Christ each day. We surrender our fear to God, it’s a must in every situation. We also need to pray protection over our thoughts and actions each day.

In our world today and with all the division we see, we need to be acquainted, if not re-acquainted with God’s love and His mindset. Crisis in our lives and also in the world around us doesn’t catch God by surprise. And our thoughts and our character amidst it all, matter deeply to Him.

Dr. Timothy Jennings writes: “When we respond to God’s love and practice His methods, our higher brain regions grow stronger. But when we choose selfishness, our limbic systems grow stronger, guilt increases, and prefrontal function is impaired. It is only by coming back into a trusting relationship with God that our brains can be healed and our characters purified.” Our fears can be put down and our faith can increase.  

 God has equipped us in every way to push through! FAITH over FEAR dear Women World Leaders and onward to victory in Jesus! Amen!