March 17, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

God allows us to have a whole new relationship with Him within an obedient lifestyle. How do we obtain this desirable way to live? It requires something of us on our part.
A repenting heart of change is what is needed to pursue a free and open relationship with God. Repentance isn’t just a change of mind; It’s a change of heart. God wants a clean heart that has been forgiven to have a relationship that is perfect with Him.
A repentive heart is one that God can use! Our repentance and faith go hand-in-hand.
“And without Faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith, knowing that he is real, and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
“Then turn away from your sins, turn to God, and prove it by a changed life.” (Luke 3:8)
I believe you cannot have “saving repentance” unless it is accompanied by “saving faith” in the Lord Jesus Christ. Your life can be changed, your sins can be forgiven, and you can live a new life.
Repentance free’s us to live a new life in Jesus Christ. Every day you can live with a joyful gladness in your heart. It means your chains can be broken, and your life can be free to serve God with purpose and pleasure with nothing separating you and Him. What a desirable way to exist!