March 15, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Do you ever find yourself getting disturbed by a person who seems to be full of pride and distance yourself from them? While all sin is offensive to God, certain actions seem to elicit sharp condemnation from God. Proverbs 6:16-19 takes us into examples of things the Lord hates.
Look at the picture of the frogs above.
A proud look! Wouldn’t you say?
God hates a proud look.
This is so interesting. I would expect God to start the list of things He hates with “hands that shed innocent blood” or adultery, maybe. But no. Number one on His list is a proud look!  (Proverbs 6:16–19).
Why is this such a big deal? After all, in our culture today, pride is seen as a virtue. Be proud of your heritage, we’re told. Be proud of who you are.
But the Bible says that God hates a proud look. What does this mean? Well, a proud look speaks of a person who would want their will above the will of God and the will of others. It speaks of people who are arrogant and full of themselves.
Did you know that pride was the first sin ever committed? Yep! Even before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, the sin of pride was committed by Lucifer. He wasn’t satisfied to be an angel serving the Lord. He wanted to be God! And God banished him because of his pride.
So what did he do? He tempted Eve with the forbidden fruit. He basically said, “Go ahead and eat it, Eve, because when you eat of it, you will be as a god, knowing good and evil. You will know more than everyone else”
Read (Genesis 3:5). What was he appealing to?
Her pride.
And she gave in.
Beware of pride! If you or someone you love struggle with this, please take it to God. Immediately.