March 11, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

May you wake up today and go out into this world displaying a disposition of a merciful soul. We are called to have mercy on our minds as we take on the mind of Christ.
Mercy should be manifested in every life of the believer. If we are holding on to being merciful then we will search for the best in other people we meet today. We won’t be as guarded and offended by others or what they do. Don’t get me wrong, sin should not be welcomed right in, but we should always be seeking a way to restore the fallen rather than searching for smut in their lives.
The merciful, as God calls each of us to be, put themselves in the shoes of others by empathetic encouragement from their perspective rather than a judgemental approach to what you feel the situation at hand is.
“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.”  (Luke 10:33)
The good Samaritan went on to bandage the wounds and pour oil and wine on the man. He sowed mercy and showed mercy.
Luke 11:33 is a reminder for us to show God’s love and the LIGHT of who He is by being merciful with love.
“No one lights a lamp and puts it where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in may see the light.”  (Luke 10:33)
Show your acts of mercy to others, not in a proud way. But be humble and be the light God called you to be in this world. ❤️