March 7, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Finding peace by the streams of water 🌊🌿
Guest writer: Connie Van Horn
North Carolina
Today, I want to share with you something truly special that has been on my heart lately, finding peace! That wonderful feeling that seems to elude us in our fast-paced lives. No matter what you are going through in your life you can always find peace in this special place, God’s place.
Have you ever noticed how peaceful and serene it feels to be near a stream of water? The gentle babbling sound, the rhythmic flow, and the soothing energy that surrounds it…it’s almost like nature is offering us an escape from the chaos of the world. 💧
In life, we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle. Our minds can race with endless to-do lists and worries. But just like the stream of water, we too can find that inner peace if we take a moment to reconnect with ourselves, nature and
God. 🌿💚
I encourage you to take a step back from the noise and embrace the beauty of finding peace by the streams of water.
If you can leisurely stroll by a nearby river, lake, or even a fountain, allow your senses to absorb the calming sounds, gentle touch of nature and whispers from our loving Father.
Find a cozy spot in your backyard or a nearby park or wherever you can sit and meditate. Then focus on your breath, and let go of any tension or worries with each exhale.
If you can’t physically be near water, try creating a peaceful place at home. Play soothing nature sounds, light some candles, or even take a relaxing bath. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment.
We all have a place to find our peace.
Finding peace for me, is a journey. It’s not about achieving a destination but rather embracing the moments that come my way. 🌟✨
So let’s take some time for ourselves, reconnect with God and with nature…
allow the streams of water to wash away our worries. Together, let’s find that inner peace and spread love and the LIGHT of Jesus to the world! 🌍💕