February 29, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

My price of freedom was purchased the day I said yes to Jesus and turned from my sin to serving Him. When was yours? Are you free?
When I was finally finished living a life of shame, guilt, and disobeying God’s voice, I gave the enemy a shove and said, “No more!” Through a repentant heart, I exposed all my sin and shame to God, (which He already knew). I released my self-control and set apart on my journey to follow Christ alone.
God is longing to be the center of your life. He is a jealous God over everything. Your husband, boyfriend, kids, grandkids, EVERYTHING. He wants to be FIRST in your life. Is He?
All He asks of us is true repentance and then obedience to follow His guide.  He gives us all the ammunition we need to fight off anything that comes against us. If you want to release the heaviness you are carrying from day to day, say goodbye to it! God hears when you are completely DONE ✔️! He has all the answers.
When you repent and turn from sin or whatever is keeping you from a moment-by-moment relationship with Him, your life will change. You will become FREE to serve Christ in all the capacity He equips you with. He is an amazing God that way. So no more delays or dragging your feet to do things your way because your way simply won’t work. Ask God for wisdom to do things “His way.”
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God who will give generously, to any who ask.” (James 1:5)