January 29, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Have you ever needed an extraordinary measure of ability to handle an extreme situation or problem? Simply put, have you ever needed great strength?
Sometimes we look at our situations and wonder how are we ever going to make it through? It could be a task that seems beyond reach, the death of someone we love, a divorce, a chronic illness, or a child raging out of control. Sometimes, we feel it’s beyond our ability to cope.
God gave Paul great inner strength of His unlimited resources. This encourages my soul.
No matter what darkest pit you must climb out of or highest hurdle, you have to jump, God will wrap His love around you today, covering and protecting you as you face it, head-on.
No matter how great the storm is in your life right now, God’s love is so powerful that it can give you the strength and ability to overcome any situation. Remember, it’s not our strength; the strength comes from God. But please don’t hesitate to ask Him for it.
“It is God who arms me with strength.” (2 Samuel 22:33) NIV
“God is our refuge and strength…”(Psalm 46:1 ESV)
Please don’t pause when you’re out of strength-go to God when you need it most, He tells us this over and over in His Word.
“The Lord is my strength and my song.” (Exodus 15:2 NKJV)
In the day ahead, whenever you feel difficulties moving forward, take it to the One who holds all your strength. Let Him be the POWER that gets you through the day.
Taken from the book:
“Fuel For Life” Day 14