January 25, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Did you wake up seeking God this morning? God is waiting, willing and even longing for us to come to Him.
He says,  “If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves, seek my face….” (in 2 Chronicles 7:14) He goes on to tell us what He will do. God wants “His” people, His very own (you and me) to come to Him for revival. He wants it to happen in us, in our lives, and in our world. But it begins first with us.
It begins with a call to humble ourselves before Him. It’s not a call for us to merely wake up and recite a quick prayer but to earnestly seek Him each day as we humble ourselves before Him.
May we recognize our need to confess and seek Him in all things and step out of our routine of quickly starting each day mindlessly on our own accord. You will notice a shift as you begin each day seeking God first and His will for your life.