January 24, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Signals come at us every day in our life. Our cell phones teach us important life lessons. When we are relaxing, when we are at work, when we get a signal from our devices, we are programmed to hone in and answer, “the call.”
If only we could be so programmed to receive the signal or ‘call’ from God when He summons us.
“Come near to God and He will come near to you.” (James 4:8)
Many times I will be out and about doing my daily routine when I hear the voice of God! He often tells me to stop, go get my pen, and write something down! The Holy Spirit will speak to me at random times and I need to be listening for His signal, always. Many times just like now He will give me the content to write about in these devotions, it’s the coolest thing. Always, it’s a help to my own life and a prayer that it will help yours too.
Many times we get our “AH-HA” moments in the most peculiar places but God is always dependable. Even though He can seem sometimes remote and unaccessible, He is always present in our daily routines.  Remember, He NEVER leaves us and He is always wanting to give us the right signal to enjoy the pleasure of His company. Are you receiving His signals today?
Take time to sit with Him quietly and journal what you hear from God. Hear and sense what is good, God is good! The signals that He puts out to you come in various ways in your daily routines. Count on it. When you become aware, you will soon be amazed at how much God interacts with you throughout your day. He’s always talking.  Please pray He doesn’t stop. If you don’t hear Him, could it be something or someone is messing up your signal?