January 19, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Happy families, thriving friendships, and a cup of hot chocolate, nothing could be better than having all of our relationships intact. If only life were that perfect.
Nothing in life is tougher than loving ones who are not so lovable. We throw up our hands, put the blame on “them” and walk away.
God created us for relationships and His number one command is to love one another (Even when they are not so lovable). God created us for relationships. He intends that the blessings of having one would far outweigh any stressor they’d create.
“In humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interest of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)
We all need to humble ourselves when we see emotions getting the best of us. Let pride fall and allow your willing heart to see others as God’s creation too. They have purpose and God loves them as much as He loves you. Be the strong one and stay committed to fighting for relationship over circumstance. God will bless you in the long run.
Enjoy your freedom versus bondage to bitterness or not wanting to show love toward the unlovable.
Spoken from experience and written with love. ❤️ God will see you through.