January 17, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

“Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)
Those are pretty strong and deliberate words from our Lord. Why would God want us to become like children? They cry, they can’t do anything for themselves, they are defenseless, and they are vulnerable.
The flip side is they are so incredibly honest it can almost be embarrassing. They don’t harbor anger or hate or prejudice to others, but I go back to one thing….they are still dependent.
The world is pushing us all to be independent and untouchable, strong in ourselves and on our own. But God! God wants us to be dependent on Him. He wants us to come to Him with our every need, all of our emotions and hurts and heartaches, and even our childlike excitement.
God wants us to experience what a sweet sweet Father He is! He wants us so close to Him that we will enter His kingdom glory, prepared just for us.
Walk with God today and be His daughter in every way and with every need. He will take care of you and lead you beside still waters and restore your soul.
Read Psalm 23.