January 13, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Guest writer: Connie Van Horn, North Carolina
In August 2014, I made the best, most important decision of my life. I invited Jesus into my heart. I finally surrendered my life and my heart to Him. I say, “finally” because I can look back on my life and see where God tried to make Himself known to me. I was too stubborn and very distracted by the world around me. I was living on the inside of the world instead of walking on the outside of it. I refused to be different. I settled~ God doesn’t want us to settle in this life. It is this life that will determine our entrance into the next.
The problem with me was that I didn’t think I was good enough to be in God’s family. I was broken, lost and still dragging around the pain of my past. I was too distracted by the world to see a loving Father who was ready to drag the pain away for me. I didn’t believe that I was enough.
We don’t have to be perfectly put together to be in God’s family. God only wants to occupy the space in our hearts… and He wants all of it.
Ephesians 2: 8-9
“For by Grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
God finds a heart set on Him and He calls it out and claims it as His own. Have a heart that is willing and available. 💗
Don’t settle for less than what God has for you in your life. He wants you right where you are.
 I was in a deep pit when I finally surrendered my life to God…God says, “You are right where I want you, and I can work with this.” He used my pain and my past for a greater purpose and today as I now live in Christ, I get to walk out this purpose He has for me!
The work of God starts on the inside of us and the miracle starts within as God is revealing Himself to you.🩷 He is building your faith!
When you get saved and accept Jesus into your heart to live, you will notice a change on the inside before anyone will notice on the outside. After I got saved I knew that God was changing me before others did. This is a relationship only between you and God! 🦋
The bottom line:
⭐️God promises you a New Life.
⭐️Do not settle for less.
⭐️Feed your faith daily.
⭐️Don’t give in~Refuse to settle.
⭐️It’s hard to believe in a God you can’t see. That’s Faith!
The miracle comes through that faith. 🦋
Faith and hope (In New Life) are part of the process.
Keep going!!!