January 6, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Is there something you’ve let go of because you couldn’t make it happen?
Do you believe that if you offered it to God, He could raise it up or make it happen?
Jesus takes dead things and revives them. He is the life. He is the resurrection. And it is through your belief in Him that you will see the glory of God, just as Martha and Mary did.
Jesus has the power to resurrect the things we’ve let die; our hope, our healing, our family, our mind,  our body, our friends,  our church family,  our faith!
And though He doesn’t promise to restore everything until we enter Restoration, occasionally we get to have a glimpse of things we let die being revived. It’s in that moment we see the glory of God. F A I T H.
Faith is a beautiful thing. Once you can grasp it, you won’t ever let go.
“Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
…💭” I heard about this ministry group named Women World Leaders that welcomes everyone in with tremendous love, just as Jesus did. They all come from many continents, and nations and are of different cultures, colors, ethnicities, and ages. They hold faith close to their hearts and encourage one another to walk by faith, not by sight!
So….Do you think you might fit in with them?”
We love you all. So glad you are here. ❤️