December 15, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

God invites us to share His holiness and desires that His holiness lives inside of you every moment of every day, not just when it’s convenient for you or your lifestyle.
As a daughter of God, our Heavenly Father wants us to be separated from all that’s unholy and allow His holiness to grow inside of us continuously and in the midst of how we live in this world today.
“But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all; for it is written, be holy for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16)
Jesus is our greatest example on earth of a holy life in character. He was devoted to God’s will in His life. Shouldn’t we desire the same?
The more we worship God the more we will see His holiness-wholeness-purity and goodness which in turn will help us become holy, pure, whole, and better as the women of God we desire to be.
A woman after God’s own heart takes action. May we all aim to be that woman. Is that your desire? I am praying for us as I write. May God stir your heart this moment to be each of our desires for every day we breathe.
Becoming holy should be a goal for our lives. Of course, we don’t want to wear a  “holier-than-thou -attitude” over others, NO, of course not! But a truly “holy-as-God is holy” lifestyle and become that “one” where you could bless others and live an abundant life of peace.
Desiring to become Christ-like is something we should all pray over for all our dear sisters in this ministry as well as your own. I ask God to grow that desire without end in each of you.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. Let us be holy as He is holy. Amen. 🩷