December 13, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Many of us are just “plain busy.” Unfortunately, we slack when it comes to being”fruitful” for Jesus in our busy way of living. We need to change the direction of our vessel and wake up to what is important and why we are here.
There are facts of lifestyle that hinder growth towards our King! Other things in life become more important to sustain and God gets pushed to the back burner.
As Leaders that we are, let us look ahead and become even more of a “Christ-like” example, one that would be healthy to follow and learn from.
Our lives should reflect a mirror of an abundant life that is rich and full of our Savior rather than a busy, stressful, rushing, chaotic life, empty of security and peace in Jesus.
You may be the “Christ-like example” your sister would like to reflect for mentoring. May your life exemplify fruit-filled, joy-filled, faith-filled beauty!
If comparing lives of “busyness” to one of peace and security, why wouldn’t one want to choose to want peace and God’s protection along with joy and humility in their life? God wants to begin His divine movement in you if you are ready to serve Him. The hectic, insecurity of a busy lifestyle is difficult to sustain, why not give Jesus your “yes?”.
The countenance of us who are strained and fatigued, full of weariness, frustration, and disillusionment can cause others to run far away from us. When they run from us, we miss the opportunity to share Jesus. Let’s turn our vessel and show others we are coming to embrace them with the love of Christ.
“So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine.”
(John 15:4)
We can’t offer anyone hope if we don’t show it… many who are too busy in life, have no time to offer another “hope” in Jesus. How very sad this is.
Let’s draw women toward us, so we may send them closer to the fullness of Christ. There is true happiness there.
Why don’t we offer a lifestyle to others that is sustainable? God should be our source of abundant life, not “things” that keep us “too busy”. Read John 15:4-8. God is the Vine we are the branches. Live this and see how others will WANT what you HAVE ❤