September 6, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

“To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)
We need to understand in our minds and in our hearts our true identities. Who are we, really? ❤
You may be “just a person,” OR…you are a daughter of the “Most High God.”  It’s your choice.  God gives all of us our own free “choice.”
When we truly settle this in our hearts and come to know God personally, He becomes your heavenly Father, Lord, and Savior, and your life will change.
God desires a close relationship with you, an intimate relationship in your heart and mind. When you walk with Him and talk with Him, you become part of His forever family. You have a special place to live for eternity. You are provided for, and you receive so many blessings and gifts. The most awesome thing is you will have SECURITY. Who doesn’t want to feel safe and secure in the arms of an endless loving Father? Having this peace, this comfort in Christ, will change your life. It has changed my life.
One way that we become part of God’s family is by obeying God’s rules. We honor Him, worship Him, and we praise Him. We then get to know Him while doing these things in our daily lives; we see our relationship with Christ grow.
Who can truly live without the unconditional love of their heavenly Father? None of us can truly be happy. We can only exist, and unfortunately, that is what many do. They just exist.
Please know that the Father in heaven is longing for YOU to come to Him each day, not just when you need Him.  He wants you to rest in His arms. He wants you to know your identity as He knows you. You are His princess. You belong to The King. How magnificent is that??? So why not walk like it, talk like it, and love others like He has taught you to do? It will change your life and your attitude.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. ( John 3:16)
Come into the family. We are here together as sisters of the cross. We love all God’s children; we serve God together in an outreaching love that draws everyone together. We are women united for Jesus. We believe the true comfort any of us need is in Christ.❤