August 26, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

We are all on a life-changing journey. Nothing ever stays the same in our daily walk. We are walking in the good of God’s kingdom glory, or we are walking in darkness. We choose to walk in light. It’s a choice.
The importance of a blessed life and a tumultuous life comes down to word and deed.
When we accept God’s promises of truth for our lives and follow them, we are walking in abundance. We hear His voice and live by His mandates. Let us be overwhelmed by the favor of God when we walk hand in hand with Him.
If we ever veer into a place of feeling afraid and alone, check your spirit and ask God to reveal where and what you need to change. Do it immediately.
Confession with your mouth and belief in your heart that His truth is our lamp will bring personal, powerful, and everlasting assurance that God is surrounding you. His safety net and protection engulf your goings in and comings out.
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17)
Allow God’s presence in your life to be your daily reward. It’s truly a lasting joy that doesn’t end.