May 6, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Disappointment seems to happen these days to all too many of us. How many days do we get discouraged and let down about things we once looked forward to?
Many times the reason we despair over our disappointments is that it comes from a place of expectation based on fantasy.
Try to reset your thinking to things you absolutely know will give you positive results. Become fully engaged in your faith. Do not fixate on the ideas you see that bring you temporal happiness or that are out of your reality reach.
When it comes to our own heartbreaking failures, we need to admit our shortcomings to God, or we may never get things accomplished (at least not in our own strength) and not place demands on God.
We can’t move beyond constant disappointment in life by continuously striving in our own strength. We must make a deliberate change in our actions.
To thrive amidst the disappointments of life’s struggles, humble yourself and become teachable and grateful in every situation. Believe that God knows what He is doing and obey what His Word instructs us to do. Embrace the fact that you only see a portion of the whole story of your life. There’s so much you do not know and many things you perceive incorrectly. Only your Creator knows what is ahead. Embrace the journey with God.
Acknowledge you are an heir of God. Build your faith in what you do not see, and do not look to the fantasy world.
 Be real.
Claim God’s promises for your life and die to yourself because many disappointments in our lives lie in the selfishness of our wants. When you turn this around to think in the fullness of Christ for your life, everything changes.
“And since we are his children, we are his heirs; in fact, together with Christ, we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.” (Romans 8:17)
There is so much content in this scripture that will help you face reality in Christ versus fantasy in the world.