We can all use some happiness in our lives and a happy heart comes from inner joy. Faith-based comedian, actress, and writer, DeAnn Alaine shares of her struggle along with a “Joyful Remedy” which has led her to a strong desire to serve Jesus. As a comedian, she helps others through their tough times in a cheerful way for God’s Kingdom glory. *****
Kimberly Hobbs Welcome to empowering lives with purpose. And I’m your host, Kimberly Hobbs. I’m the founder of Women World Leaders. And we are so grateful to have you with us today. And I would like to welcome our guest today, Miss DeAnn Alaine, welcome, DeAnn.
DeAnn Alaine Woo-hoo! Thank you baby. I’m so glad to be here!
Kimberly Hobbs She is a bundle of joy. And we are so excited about what is going to be shared today. So be prepared ladies, this this woman is such a woman of God. And I am just so grateful to call her friend. And she is actually one of our leaders and women are leaders. So we are happy to do this broadcast today, this podcast. So ladies, it is our hope that through what you listen to today will inspire you and encourage you and just bring you closer to your walk with Jesus. And Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God’s masterpiece we are created anew in Christ Jesus to do the very good things that he planned for us long ago. And we believe that each of us have a purpose on this planet. And that is to walk and glorify God in everything that we do. And our hope is that by listening today that you might be empowered to walk in your purpose, and serve God wherever it is that you are. The Bible also says that every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many colored cat tapestries of God’s grace. That’s First Peter 410 So today we’re gonna share some of the gifting that this amazing woman of God has. And she is a comedian and I just again just love Deanne. So let me share a little bit about who she is. Deanna Elaine met the Lord as a child. She knew him as her healer before she knew him as her Savior. born with a rare disease that affected her mental and physical development, and made her unique from day one. She was called into the ministry as a young person, she eventually went to Bible college because the expectation of those around her was to be the pastor’s wife and to play piano. That was going to be her testimony. Did the Colin her life change? No. Did the method of ministry Yes, not only is Deanna comedian, but she is also an award winning TV show host of Maude wash moments with Dan Elaine, and is the creator and director for fade away coming to TV and cell phones soon. So we are so again happy to have you and today we’re going to hear about Dan’s story a little bit of joyful remedy brought to you with a happy face from a happy heart. The Bible says you will show me the way of life granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasure of living with you forever that Psalm 1611. I love talking about joy. It just makes me happy. But first let’s glance into Dan’s younger years. Dan, you said that you were called at a young age and both parents instilled in you that the church should be the most joyful group of people on the planet, right? Your mom was a silly fun strong and and she had many enhance talents. So can you talk about your childhood with us a little bit and share a little bit about you growing up?
DeAnn Alaine Sure.
Well, what a woman my mother, just a phenomenal chick. I remember before she met my dad and they got married, she would sew puppets called whosits. I mean, she was a single mom with three girls. And so we would go to different places and try and sell these puppets. She worked with a friend named Jackie like why do I remember that out of all these years and so even from a young age when you don’t have money you get really creative and and she as it as it as a young person herself, really wanted to go into acting and she’s just a beautiful charming human being it came to the Lord late in her 20s And so now that part of that excitement and and fun through hard work being a single mom until I was nine I got to see firsthand what joy looks like through great trial through great challenge and my older sisters they didn’t quite get the picture of of her as a mom that I did because I was the youngest but then we had someone Just when she was teaching Sunday school and set up like this missions airplane and pretended fly us in different places, and we tried to recruit from different places, and, and then she met and married my dad, and what a guy and he’s, he’s the one that said the church should be the most joyful people on the planet like, and he’s so right. And this is coming from a guy who, who became a husband and a dad all all at once. And we had never experienced the kind of life that he brought into the house. Like he would do try and taste what is in this. And he made eggs one time that looked like gray brain. Because he made him like licorice, like licorice flavored pancakes, it looks so awful. But we would gains and it would bring joy around the table with something that used to be a lot more common than it is today sitting at the table and enjoying each other having fellowship around food. I mean, my parents worked, my dad was in the Air Force. And my mom worked even after I married my dad work, work, work, work, work. And so to have two parents who love the Lord, who have that joy foundation really led me into into that season and finding joy around people who also loved Jesus. And when I was born, I was born with a terminal illness. And doctors would tell my mother, she’s not going to live past this, this time. And this time, and this time, it happened several times. I was like, on this wing back then in the 70s. They didn’t have this. They didn’t have a decorum that they have today. I’m not PC, I’m a comic I’m not PC, but they didn’t have decorum. And so they have this wing, they call the the, the the point of no return. And it was for terminally ill kids. And I was I was there a few different times in the state of Oregon, their university, and university Med Center. So all throughout that here’s the enemy trying to take me out and having a mother who is now a believer praying, having elders of the church come over and pray. But still to have that joy like infused in into our life, we lived in a single wide trailer until I was nine. So I mean, we had frozen pipes. And I remember my mom getting my sister’s like crawl under the trailer trying to fall pipes and stuff like that. It was like crazy. But then we’d come in and she would draw characters that she created on our lunch bags, because we didn’t have like the 10 are really cool plastic lunchbox. So she would start drawing characters. And last year, she became a published author with her characters in a in a precious book. And so she’s still living out what she started with me when I was little little. And she’s still living that joyful testimony out.
Kimberly Hobbs Oh, that is so beautiful. So wow, that gives me a little bit of insight to and to your childhood with a mom that was creative and did things to just bring smiles to faces of her children. That’s beautiful. So Dan, part of your joy you told me is to fix a problem. And the joy of the Lord was your strength, especially while school was extremely difficult for you. You also said church was the only place that you felt loved and accepted. So can you talk about school and why it was so difficult for you.
DeAnn Alaine So what I was mentioning with having this illness, the problem was my organs were growing, but my bones weren’t. And like that’s just there’s nothing normal about that. And so what it lent itself to was developmental delays, physical delays and so academics I was six years academically behind my peers and oh my goodness, did that make it a struggle and I have this condition called seek amnesia. And what it means is mirrored image so all the muscles in my right from my shoulders all the way through my arms move exactly in mirrored image. So if I needed to write a paper, my right hand would right and my left hand and all the muscles in my left arm would move in the same exact Wow method but opposite. So everything with writing with school I academics was such a challenge I did terrible in school like, terrible. It’s like, so going to church was like the place where I was accepted. I was surrounded by so many wonderful elderly people like the church, we went to Hood River Assembly of God in Hood River, Oregon. And I’m surrounded by a lot of elderly people that love to me would love holding me. And so from from being itty bitty, like I knew that my safe place was, was there because I didn’t even expect to go to college. And the Lord delivered me from having feeling stupid, and having to overcome great challenges. Even through college. No one expected me to go to college. And so the fact that God really saw me through, and I have a degree in science and a degree in Biblical Studies and a degree it like, like, Who would have thought this, this, this stupid kid,
like, would do this.
And so, and the Lord, he saw me through, he saw me through and having that, again, that testimony from my mother really aided me in saying you can do this, you can do this. Through Christ, all things are possible.
Kimberly Hobbs Amen, amen. You are such a joy. And wow, I had no idea even some of these challenges you were saying that you went through Deann. And, and even knowing how you are and the beauty of your your soul that radiates the joy of Jesus, you can tell it’s your strength, because I would never have guessed any of you know, the difficulties that you went through. So Deanne, Utah talked about when we were talking previously about a piece of chocolate. Hmm, you know, like, what, what about this piece of chocolate? You married your first husband, and you found yourself in harm’s way you were talking about that too? Mental and physical? Abuse. And you called on the Lord in 2007, and started talking about a piece of chocolate. So can you share a little bit about this? This piece of chocolate?
DeAnn Alaine Oh, gosh, yeah, I listen, if you want to, if you want to find out who not to marry, or who to marry, have haven’t listened, be willing to listen to the Lord. I didn’t do that. I marry this sweet guy. He was a Christian going to church. And, and wow, after 18 months of marriage, things really started to take a turn for the worst and and so in the midst of that very challenging time. The Lord did speak to my heart, and He knows that I love chocolate. Like I know it’s not for every chick, or for every person, but but for me, like chocolate scratches an itch. And he’s like, What about a piece of chocolate? Like, what piece of like, where I started looking for wrappers? Like where’s where he’s like, no, no. Write, write about some of the joyful times you have when you were a kid. And growing up in these pieces of chocolate and, and like, oh my gosh, so I started writing blogging, like way back in 2007. And it started to grow and it started to change and more women started to like, come in, because our stories are funny. And even even through that very dark time. Here’s the Lord saying, I am keeping you but I’m keeping you my way. I’m not keeping you away. I’m keeping you my way and a piece of chocolate kept, kept going and kept growing. Until until the Lord said, okay, that season is done. And then I was done. Like when he says done, I’m done. Yeah, wow.
Kimberly Hobbs So that definitely satisfied for a time you were blogging, and it all came from a piece of chocolate and God gave you that creative mind again to take from that piece of chocolate and bloom something there that was able to get you through a period of time and others to because others read your blogs and so Dan, you needed your joy restored. The Bible says the commandments of the Lord, I write bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for the living. Psalm 19 verse eight. Sadly, your marriage didn’t last and it took strength to get through that time and the strength to do the right thing something right you needed the right source of strength and that’s today what we want to pour in to these women that are listening, we all need our strength from the Lord at different times. And we may be all battling different things as you battled a lot of emotional difficulty in your life, you battled physical difficulty, and let loose Deanne. And let’s talk to these ladies that are listening in about where your joy comes from, and how they can just harness that joy, the way that you did and the way that you do now in your life.
DeAnn Alaine Oh,
This is my wheelhouse, like, I’m so happy to share this because I, okay, here’s the thing. The Bible says that the joy of the Lord and I want to slow this down, the joy of the Lord is our strength. Amen. But listen, joy, or like any muscle that needs to be strengthened has to be worked out. It’s, it’s not like, oh, the joy of the Lord is my strength. And then you’re grasping for straws, like desperately trying to like Where? Where is it? Where’s the joy? Where’s the joy? You we have to allow Jesus to, to, we need to give him space in our lives to strengthen us. So joy is a strength that has to be developed. So you may not have you may not go through, like everyone’s lives gets touched with dramatic situations and horrible situations. So So can Jesus keep you during that time? Yes, if you will let Jesus keep you. Right, the Bible says that Jesus can keep your mind in perfect peace, your heart and perfect peace. So if you’ll give him room to bring that peace factor in the midst of that those storms. And in the midst of what seems like drowning, like sometimes it’s not just as nice as a storm. Sometimes it’s a hurricane. And sometimes you you’re under the water and debris is flowing past you. And it’s it’s it’s there’s nothing pretty like life is hard. However, if you if we can give Jesus the space, to keep our minds to get in the Word, to keep our minds as we are in Christ Jesus, then that will give him a chance to develop joy as a strength. Because joy has to be developed. It has to be a choice. It has to be a choice. Like I was looking in Psalm, chapter 100, verse two, which is serve the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs. Now, I don’t know about you, but sometimes the only song that I can get out of my mouth is like like, that’s the all these song I have is it it doesn’t even sound like a song. Like sometimes I just, I need to have like a song that sounds like a meltdown just to release that hot the harboring mental challenges and thought bonds that the enemy tries to throw my way. And sometimes I have to fake it. Because here’s the thing, okay. I was also a nurse for a season, and I was an LPN. And I learned that even by saying, My joy is complete, well change the hormones that are released into your bloodstream and change the effect of how you actually feel a change to affect God knows how he made us he he’s so he knows it all. He knows the hormones that he put in us crazy women like he knows. He’s there with us in the story he understands. But in but in that, do you know that just smiling even when you’re like, angry, if you’ll smile, it releases a chemical in your bloodstream, that changes the effect of the hormones in your in your body it Amen to that change your mind. So but it has to be chosen. This way that I have, it didn’t start today. It has been brewing and growing and strengthening for a long time. But the best test of where you know that your joy is getting strong is always in the Valley. It’s never on the mountaintop. It’s always in those challenges. So I also want to read from Psalm 51 Psalms 51 Verse 12, and that verse is Is restore the joy of your salvation to me and sustain me by giving me a willing spirit.
That willingness to say, I’d rather wig out, I’d rather get my flesh. It’s all way I’d rather do that. I want my own remedy. Rather than a joyful remedy. I want to, I want to tell my husband what I think of him. I want to tell it like, ah, you know, it’s okay to scream. It’s okay. Like, it’s okay. Seriously, if you’re listening to this right now and you feel like you’re gonna first go into your closet, shut the door, if you don’t have that golf suck, okay? Even if you like, whatever you need to do to scream, get, get that, that stress out of your body, and just start singing, just sing a song. joy of the Lord is my strength. Right? I learned that Sunday School is a little
thing that today, like I could be having a meltdown and crying. And I sing, the joy of the Lord is my strength.
But it changes my brain it changes I feel my body. But it has to be a decision much like how we choose Jesus. Right? He calls us by name he calling out to us. But we’re the ones that take that step by faith. You know, to say, I believe you. I believe what you say is true. If you’re if right, Jesus was the Word made flesh. So if he came to Earth, look what he endured. But look how he was so victorious, like Jesus is the remedy is the remedy of joy. Right? If Jesus wasn’t in heaven, it wouldn’t be heaven. Thing about right. So if Jesus wasn’t in my life, and an active part and an active decision that I make every day, my joy would not be complete. Because he’s the remedy. He’s worse. He’s the only one that I can say, Jesus, I got myself into this. But I need you to get me out of this what it looks like. And guess what he does. Every time I give him room and space. To my own conclusions is sort of jumping to my like, I just want to, like, I don’t want to kill my husband. He is an amazing man of God, but the wife, I just want to go.
Unknown Speaker I have a 16 year old son. I don’t have daughters.
DeAnn Alaine And so I think about that, I have to choose to give Jesus room to say, Okay, you beat you in this and then just trust that he’s got me covered.
Kimberly Hobbs He does. He does. have you covered DeAnn. He has all of us covered. And I still wanted to jump in with a scripture but I’ll read it now. If you weren’t talking as you were talking, because it’s just this is so good. Those who look to him for help. Ladies, when we look to Jesus for help, he doesn’t leave us floundering around and flapping in our tears and crying about those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy. Just as Dan shared about the joy of the Lord is our strength it is and in the Bible says no shadow of shame will darken their faces Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh the joys of those who take refuge in Him. Psalm 34, five and eight, Psalm 34, five and eight ladies. So take refuge right, Dan? Like you just gave your life to taking refuge in him under the shadow of his wings. And you have been in complete joy. In fact, Deanna has made a career out of that and just bringing joy to the hearts of women now and men and women. She has been a faith based comedian and just shares just the joy that exudes out of her soul because she does have Jesus residing there every single day, every single moment share about how and what you do for a living Diem because it’s so fun. It’s so interesting. And you get to be happy every day and what you do
DeAnn Alaine I think you overstated that a little bit. She’s like, joy in every moment, every second. I’m like Oh, okay.
You You can’t see it if you’re listening to the broadcast, but I have a cookie monster bubble machine that like my husband and I like we love SeaWorld. We live in the Orlando area and so like, so sometimes I need this guy to just like help me out. He blinks and he blows bubbles outside of his lid. And I’m like, what? I rather blow bubbles out of my lid or for heart like of course now he’s not blowing bubbles right now, but he’s cute. I is any cue? Of course, you know, cooking chocolate and all that good stuff. I do. I did not call myself into comedy. Like I really thought I was going to be a crazy worshiper. I mean, I am but like, as a leader, and write music and sing in church and stuff. And then it was only like two and a half years ago, the Lord’s like, hey, silly. I want you to bring joy to the world. I want you to do comedy. I’m like, what? Oh my gosh, this sounds like so much fun. And so through 2020 I learned the skill of comedy. So I oh my gosh, he’s blowing. He’s blowing his bubbles like here. Here we are, ladies and gentlemen
Kimberly Hobbs See the bubbles going around. Most everybody’s listening to podcasts, but those who are watching on YouTube.
DeAnn Alaine And check this out. You guys..
Kimberly Hobbs see the bubbles all over?
DeAnn Alaine Isn’t it so much fun. I’m such a kid.
Kimberly Hobbs Bubbles make you happy.
Unknown Speaker They do. That’s why I have a comedy carwash show on Roku TV. Yes. We go through a carwash I have guests and we play games and and we sing songs and and it’s just bananas. It’s on creative motion network. So if you ever pay TV or the Roku stick, or you can go to the their site online and watch mouthwash moments with the analyte. And and we have the most fun going through a carwash and sometimes we’ll go through two times and and sometimes we’ll go through three times just because we’re having so much fun. And the Lord is bringing that to the surface on like a carwash. Like this is so much fun.
Kimberly Hobbs I know. Who would ever think about going through a carwash and making a comedy show out of it. But God gave you that vision to do it. And also Dan, talk about fade away as you are getting ready to film and share a little bit about that too.
DeAnn Alaine Well, Fade Away is a sitcom based off of the best third rate funeral in Polk County, which is the county where I live in Florida. And we start filming on August 5, so be praying for us in that. And then we finish the rest of the filming on September 3 and fourth, we’ve got our camera guys in place our actors in place and I’m like Jesus, what are you doing?
He’s like, it’s still comedy, but
I want you to do television. I’m calling you into a bigger a bigger place, I need more. I have had to I learned joy and and you know, everyone’s life is touched with death, everyone. And so here’s the Lord saying I need I need people to have permission to be able to laugh and have joy about some of the biggest heart aches they’ve experienced. And so it’s really like his hand is on this and that it’s all come together. It’s a miracle because I’ve never done anything like this before. But the when the Lord says do this, I’m hits so I’m gonna say yes. So yes, adventure.
Kimberly Hobbs Yes, yes, you are on a huge adventure. And we are just so blessed Dan to be able to come alongside of you. And now that she is in women, world leaders, God is using her and amazing ways here as well. And she has spoke at our last event at Kaiser University and just brought joy to the audience of women that laughed and laughed and laughed and and you can tell again, the joy of the Lord is your strength and nobody would know what was happening in your life growing up and how God would use all of those situations to bring you to where you are today and how you’re able to serve Him with that joy. So ladies, we just really we know all of us like Dan sided go through struggles day to day but we need to just look to the Lord for our strength. As Dan said, shout out loud you know, turn your screams into songs of praise to the Lord and just be joyful with a joyful heart and the joy of the Lord will be your strength. You can visit DeAnn at WWW dot DeAnn Alaine – Alaine is a l a i n e.com If you’d like to hear her speak or perform comedy at your next event And and the name of her show mod wash moments with Deanna lien can be seen on Roku TV. Just add creative motion network to your streaming channels and find comedy presentations. And you can like and follow fadeaway on the Facebook page and find Deanne on Instagram at Dianna lean three to seven. She is also ladies and this month voice of truth magazine through women world leaders where she shares some joy in the magazine and look for her in the future with some really exciting future things that she’s going to be writing. And we are just so grateful to have her on our leadership team. And in just in future things with women, we’re leaders, we’re working on some fun things to bring joy into the ministry. And Deann Can you leave the ladies with a just a word to that they could carry with them through the day just maybe that shot in the arm? That would just give them some joy?
DeAnn Alaine Yeah, absolutely. The shot in the arm is just confess with your mouth, Jesus,
I will give you room today to work.
I will give you room. Because if you if you give him room to work things out instead of you work trying to work them out yourself. He will do such a better job I promise you. So just say I promise to give you room today.
Kimberly Hobbs Wow, that’s
powerful, powerful. Give him room. So Jesus, we give you room to work in our life today. And for everybody listening, let’s just pray that together. Daniel, you just cover the the women in prayer, just a short prayer to
cover them.
DeAnn Alaine In the name of Jesus become before you indeed whether struggling or, or with buckets of joy, we just come at your feet and we declare that you are Lord, we thank You Jesus that you truly are the source. You are the remedy. Yes, joy, like you are the remedy for a joyful lifestyle. And, and for any of the ladies for all of the ladies listening, I just speak joy in abundance. In that moment. Today. I speak joy, even just a tiny bit, just meet them where they’re at with, with the joy that they are they can receive in this moment. Jesus, you know that some are listening and their kids are driving them bananas or or they make they you might be single, and you’re a single rose, but just know that Jesus has you covered and give him room like Jesus, thank you for these beautiful women. Thank you that they’ll say today what I give you room to to, to work. Instead of me trying to fix this. Your joy will be manifested by me watching what you do. So Laurie, thank you for giving the women courage to say I won’t settle for my flesh. I just I just want Jesus and to sit back and give him room to do what you love to do. I honor these ladies and bless them in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Kimberly Hobbs Amen. And remember ladies, Jesus is the joy of our salvation. His banner over us is love. And that was a song that we used to sing growing up in Sunday school so we just know Jesus is the joy of our salvation carry him with you ladies give him room. Thank you Deanna lane, we love you so much. And ladies, please remember join us each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As we bring you these podcasts and each and every week. Ladies, we have to close but from his heart to yours. We are women world leaders all content is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed written consent. God bless you and have a beautiful fantastic day the joy of the Lord is your strength.