298. Interview with Robin Kirby Gatto, Pt. 1

by julie 

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  • 298. Interview with Robin Kirby Gatto, Pt. 1

Robin Kirby Gatto holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Social Work and Juris Doctorate. She has many published teaching books and is a best-selling author. Today Robin shares her personal story of deliverance from many strongholds.    God has moved Robin into sharing His Truths on Freedom through Wisdom and the Power of His Word. Please join us today as Robin shares about this powerful word of DELIVERANCE coming alive in her life through Jesus Christ her Lord and Savior and the Word of God. Part One of Two.   *****  

Kimberly Hobbs   Welcome to Empowering Lives with Purpose. And I’m your host, Kimberly Hobbs. I am the founder of Women World Leaders. We are so grateful that you’ve joined us today on empowering lives with purpose. And that is our hope today ladies that we get to empower you and encourage you to walk and that beautiful purpose that God has just for you. And one of our guests today that is wanting to just pour in some encouragement to you is our guest Robin Kirby Gatto. Welcome, Robin.

Robin Kirby Gatto   Thank you. I am super excited, and I cannot wait to see what the Spirit of the Lord does. Kimberly, God bless you.

Kimberly Hobbs   Oh, God bless you. Ladies. Today we are in for a great topic. Today we’re talking about deliverance. And there are so many things as we think about our lives, whether God has delivered you from something already, something that has held you captive or shackled. That feeling of not being free. While today we want to talk about what that freedom feels like. And we want all of us to be able to be able to experience that true freedom that comes through Jesus Christ our Lord. So that’s what we’re going to talk about in our podcast today. And ladies, God tells us in His Word, that every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many color tapestries of God’s grace. That’s First Peter 410. So we’ve all received different gifts. And today’s guest today Robin is so amazing, and I just being able to get to know her as a woman of God. God truly has entrusted her with beautiful gifts. And I believe as she starts to speak, you’re gonna hear about what God has entrusted her with. So we believe each of you have a purpose, ladies. And it’s our hope today that through listening to this podcast, you’re going to hear a little bit about what your purpose might be. Ask God for that right now as we begin this podcast today, I want to share a little bit about who Robin Kirby Gatto is before we get going. She is a prolific author with a Bachelor and Master’s degree in social work, and a juris doctorate. She has been in full time ministry since February 2011, where God in large the curtains of her habitations, he lengthened her steaks, and he sent her out, not by man, but by him, God sent her out. She has written many teaching books, which include two series of Gods firewall School of the prophets, and God’s firewall, healing of the soul, as well as fictional series of the ancient language seekers. Her latest book, mindfulness of the mind of Christ shows the Christian how to walk out their deliverance by the consecration of the body through the word of truth that sets them free. The word of truth, we hear that ladies, that’s God’s word, is the word of truth. Robin has been married to rich Gatto since 2001, and has two sons, and a daughter and grace and two grandchildren. That’s beautiful. You’ve got your surroundings of love. She’s from Birmingham, Alabama, and has taught and preached in other nations including the Philippines and Nicaragua. Robin loves to minister wherever God calls her. And prior to finding her calling, Robin has had a pretty tumultuous life. Right, Robin, we got to share and talk about that a little bit. Until God delivered her ladies. Robin, can you take a few minutes and share with us some of the trials and struggles you went through prior to the time that God brought his power through his word into your life?

Robin Kirby Gatto   Yes, and thank you for that intro. Kimberly, I am so blessed to be here and I’m super excited. Because I know that God has a plan and there’s such a power in the testimony. There is a yoke destroying anointing, and I know that this is for someone out there specifically that’s watching the day and said So, early on, God drew me to himself. When I was six years old, he would wake me up on Sunday mornings while everybody else was asleep. And he would tell me to get up and get that little handmade dress my grandmother made all the way to the floor. And he would say, go across the street and go to the church. And I sat on the third P on the inside, so I could see the pasture. And the only way that I can describe it, Kimberly is it was like this Amber, honey gold was coming down on this pasture. And my mouth was like this. And I just took in every word that this pastor preached, and taught in that particular service in every service thereafter. And so I asked them what to do. And they led me to get a Sunday school. And church was part of an escape for me, I actually have a brother that’s a year older. And we were latchkey kids back in the late 60s, and 70s, early 70s. And he had met massive anger issues massive. And so I was there every day, all through school, all the way through high school dealing with that anger that he had, and I was the recipient of that anger every single day. And so charge was an escape for me and so many avenues. And I love the Lord, my family started going to church, my family started the Lord. But at the same time, nobody really wanted to deal with these anger issues. Because I was the only person that had to see them, mainly, while we were latchkey kids. And so one thing led to another, and I served the Lord through elementary served the Lord through middle school, I would get teased, or we get persecuted in high school in middle school, because I just really loved the Lord. And I would date a couple of guys. And because I wanted to protect my purity, they ended up leaving me with young ladies that would give them their desires and what they wanted. And so my senior year of high school, I just kind of went into rebellion. I was just so mad at God. And I was thinking, God, I’m doing all these things, right. And all of these bad things keep happening. And I just wanted to flat out rebel again, I was also very much in a protected zone by my parents, which is good. And so when I went to college, I just went party animal crazy, and that rebellion. And of course, I didn’t do well in my first semester of college, because I hardly attended any classes. And the next thing I do is I find myself back home. And I go to a local junior college, and I get connected to the wrong man. And my mother warns me and she’s a Baptist, but she has such a gift to discerning of spirits. And she warns me she said, Robin, he is demon possessed, do not marry him. But I was in rebellion. I was just angry with God angry with my parents, and that there was this undercurrent of anger is all I can tell you, and so on marry this man. And the next thing I know is he ends up being this drug dealer and he was actually from a narc pulling me aside on the road, right before I had a way of escape from that marriage. The narc told me that he was number two in the state of Mississippi on the entire narc list that he was number two in the state. And he warns me and God will always send you warnings. And he will, he will provide a written submission on web scape. And so, this man after we got married against obesity severely, He locked the door with deadbolt locks. He starts the and he beat me he would put guns to my head knives to mouth right. And so it was very intense. And I had been a cheerleader. I was overall girl I was class favorite. You would have never known this was me. But that undercurrent of anger I believe towards my brother. Growing up with constant, being the recipient of that anger and just having to tolerate it. It just really took me down a place that I didn’t want to go. And after nine months of being married to this man and he was demon possessed. After nine months, God provided a way of escape and a ram in the bush and at 2pm to 8am in the morning. I was able to get the key out of his pocket because he kept it in his pocket. And I was able to grab that key and just hightail it up the street. And with him running behind me, I knew I was dead. And at this point I was about 82 pounds, I had been so starved and so beaten. And God had a policeman right at the top of that street. And I was able to leave that marriage. But the damage that that did to my self esteem was beyond measure. And it took over just a decade to be able to see it in a room without my stomach and knots and having panic attacks. Well, shortly after that, three years later, I married a doctor, a pre med student, and helped him get through med school. And at the same time was getting my bachelor’s in social work. And my internship at the Baptist children’s village with severe Lee hurt children. My supervisor called me in for what I thought was just going to be a regular meeting. And it wasn’t just a regular meeting, she was confronting the fact that I was abused. And there I found out I disassociated. And it was at that point that God began to work on my person.

Kimberly Hobbs   Wow. Wow. Wow. And he did. He did. And you went through that marriage as well. And you were telling me about how you went from not only? Well, there were some struggles within? Which Yes, you out of that marriage? Yes. into a place where alcoholism started taking over talk about that a little bit, you got into this unbelievably sad, depressed state, because you felt that you were making mistake after mistake is despite the time that you were learning all of this worldly knowledge that got you had your bachelor’s, and then you got your masters. And then the things were happening in your life talk about that really quick?

Robin Kirby Gatto   Yes. In fact, I married the doctor, I put him through medical school after going through residency, and it was my turn to go back and get my master’s in social work. And I thought things were great. But how, how many times does God give you something in your network, that you just know that something’s going to happen, and that you don’t see yourself somewhere where someone else would see you. And so God showed me that I was not going to leave the house that I was in, and the doctor and I put a contract on my dream home. I put them through medical school, it was time for us to get our margerine home. And the next thing I know is I’m standing at that house with his family. And they asked me Are you excited about this house and I said, I don’t see myself here. I don’t see myself here. And Holy Spirit was speaking to me. And it was shortly after that, that I found out who was actually trying to move me out of the home with the two boys of one and six year old boys. Because he was having an affair, Kimberly and I had no clue. But God protected me and our house never sold. And he kept me in this house. And at that time, I was serving God, I was hungry, I would. I didn’t have the power of Holy Spirit. I was hungry and thirsty for righteousness. But I did not know the power. I hadn’t tasted the power at that time. And then the next thing I know is I’m a single mom, trying to pursue God, I’ve been going to church, I’ve been taking my voice to church, I’m always there. And the next thing on a thing shift. And I just happened to go to the divorce recovery group with two ladies. And it’s in the church. But these two ladies were drinking wine. And all it took was one night with those ladies at their house. And I just drunk a sip of wine. And the next thing I know is it became my medication for my pain. Because I kept looking for my painting counselors to be resolved for my pain and friends to be resolved. And I kept looking to people to help me with my pain. But there was only one that could help me with my pain. Instead, God began to transition me and show me areas of my soul that were in such captivity. And this was right before I married my husband rich. I had actually been engaged. I was a single mother four and a half years, and I went into alcoholism. medomak medicated my pain through alcoholism. That was my medication. Antidepressants didn’t work. So my only anti really depressant and which made me more depressed was alcohol. And so it was the most horrific thing that I could have ever done. But God knew that my lineage the family generations had alcoholism in it. And I didn’t know that alcoholism was in my family, and that it just came up in my members. And it just became this Strong call that I could not find my way out of. And I began by the Holy Spirit, God began to speak to me, he brought me back to the simple place of the Word, and the power of the word, John 832, you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. And God began to say, Robin, you are not a drunk, and I said, Hello, God, I’m drinking. He said, but were in my word, does it say your job. He said, You are the righteousness of Christ Jesus, you are seated in heavenly places, I have a plan to give you a hope and a future and not to harm me. And the gift of faith was deposited in me. And God began to speak to me. And he said, Robin, I want you to start speaking this word. Now this is as I’m still an alcoholic, I’m still in bondage. And then I meet my soon to be husband and I marry in 2001. Rich, who doesn’t want anything to do with alcohol? Who doesn’t want anything to do with someone in bondage, but God drew this man to me. And he watched this entire transformation, as the Holy Spirit’s stirred me up in the day, to where I would just speak the word and only the word. And he would even mention sometimes will Robin, you just drank the night before? I said, but I’m not an alcoholic. Nowhere in the Word of God.

Does it say that I’m an alcoholic, and Jesus wasn’t a drunk. And so if Jesus wasn’t a drawl, and nowhere in the war, does it say I got just started this day. And I just spoke it. And on Resurrection Sunday, 2001, my husband and was a 2002, Resurrection Sunday, my husband’s there. I feel the power of Holy Spirit, and it is offertory that you’re passing the offering around, wanting that offertory Tom, and my heart is beating 100 miles an hour. And I look down at my heart and I’m thinking what is going on with me. And that amber color honey that I saw was a six year old girl. It came on matar person. And I heard God say stand Oh, and a call see Mullins, my Redeemer lives was playing. And I stood up. And the power board came on me. And I’m shaking, and my mind is going what is going on with my body. And my knees are weak, and my husband stands behind me. And the power of God came on me and in one moment just broke chains off on 2002 Resurrection Day.

Kimberly Hobbs   Amen. Amen. And you know, ladies are hearing that and sometimes we hear stories in various different ways. But that’s the power of the Lord. He is a limitless God that can do the most amazing things in our life. And he delivered you that day. And John a 32, you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. That’s the scripture you use. And God used his word of truth as you were sitting there in church, and it’s permeating you and he was preparing you. And he was doing a mighty work in you. And that day you were delivered, chains broke off. And you were free. You were delivered from alcoholism. you repented you taught you were talking to me about this Robin and ladies, this gets good. This woman is full of the wisdom of God because He has just poured into her. You had a heart change as you checked out that that sin and you repented that enslaved you and you were delivered that day. Then I said were you delivered from everything Robin, you know, and you started to tell me, you started getting deliverances from different things coming up in your life like the rage of anger. Can you talk about this with?

Robin Kirby Gatto   Yes. And just to let you know, I’ve not shared much ever publicly or even privately except for my husband, about my brother. So a lot of people don’t know that. But for some reason, Kimberly, there’s someone that needs to hear this because you have lived this. And so I had the resurrection, Sendai. 2002 And just a few months later, and Holy Spirit accelerated me on the Isaiah 35 Eight Highway of Holiness. And God was Redeeming the time because he knew his schedule. I didn’t know God’s schedule. He knew his schedule. And so he was catching me up. And he put me on that as a 358 highway of holiness where there’s no unclean thing. There’s no beast, and he just started giving me this hunger and thirst for the word. And I just read the Word and the power of God was just bringing truth and joy just accelerating it in my members to where I could just know the power, the truth. And so God began to speak with me just a few months after the alcoholism that he said, Robin, you have got issues. And so I thought, this deliverance was all new to me. I’ve never say this. I’ve just grown up this Baptist girl. All I know is I love the Lord. And so all of this was very new to me. And so a few months later, after the alcoholism, deliverance, on, on the phone was rich a year he lives in, he lives in Connecticut, New York, working out his contract, he worked for non West corporate, which I really love because I like my wish. And I was down here at Alabama steel. So a year of our marriage, he was up there working, I was down here. And so my insecurity, I was jealous at the moment, and there was no reason to be jealous, but there was just insecurities. And it was just time. And so this anger came up in my person. And it just started rising up and God did some supernatural work in that deliverance. And he showed me he said Robin recant of your of the anger towards your brother. He said, You have been angry with him all of this time, repent of anything towards your parents. And that that was the lynch pin. Because if you would have asked, you know, the way that I am right now, I’m doubly that’s how I’ve always been, okay, this is, this is my personality. My personality hasn’t changed. It’s just been amplified. Okay. So as Robin Kirby Gatto, steroids, after the Lord brings freedom. And so I if you would have told me I had raged, I would have told you, you are crazy. Because I didn’t know as they are, but because of the supernatural encounter. And God had me on the floor. And it was like this big thumb on my back and my knees are under my belly, and my arms are out, like in prayer position. And I heard repent, and I began to repent. And it felt like chains broke off of me. And it felt like I was lifted up Kimberly and I could run a mess. That’s what I tell everybody after every single one of these deliverances it feels like I was running on air, like the root word, Give us this day, our daily bread elrow It means to lift dog. And that’s what happens when you get freedom,

Kimberly Hobbs   freedom. Same time, that’s the freedom and I have to just share the scripture really quick that God gave me Romans 612 to 14 says do not let sin control the way you live. Do not give into sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were but now you have new life. That’s you. I mean, like that’s why you’re like lifted up on the air because you are so excited of the freedom that God gives. Yes. So use your whole body is an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the Freedom of God’s grace. And now you’re living in grace Robin. And this is so exciting because God delivered you from your fear of even going into full time ministry. But he had to break away all those chains that were holding you down, right? Because you’ve had all those things you needed to be delivered from his deliverance through the power of His Word. Yes, that’s how we find our deliverance. We read the word it convicts our heart, we go to God and repentance and he delivers. So Robin now here you are he’s given you and wait. I’ve just got to say let loose Robin, and to share what God has taught you about deliverance, and to just share with us.

Robin Kirby Gatto   Praise God. Well, God began to take the ministry and the first thing I did was go to the Philippines when I was in full time ministry. And over there he said, Robin, I want you to start doing God’s bible school the prophets which is nothing but the Navy Seals of discipleship. It is the word, the word the word, just like the old day school the prophets with Elijah and Samuel, because the only people that could do the word and study the Word and have it in there around amongst them. Were the priest or the school, the prophets, those that hung around this prophets. And so God said, Robin, I will do the study the word study the word just like law school, just like you studied every one of those subjects. And God began to bring the wisdom through law school to be able to know those subject matters. He said, I want you to go in every direction in your life, and it is about the word. And as First Corinthians two says, Holy Spirit combines different scriptures, and Holy Spirit shows us things that are fenced in and hidden by the mind of God, the Holy Spirit knows the mind of God and gives us that through the mind of Christ. And so, in those writings, I just began to bring in not my favorite subjects, it was what I resisted in it was the sciences, it was physiology, it was biology was chemistry, it was anatomy, it was astronomy, because God had me unpack the word, Romans 120, says, The God of the invisible shows himself through the visible nature he created. And he just began showing me himself through a flower or through a tree, through a through hit the galaxy, and I just was like, Oh, my goodness, this is absolutely, obviously my own fantastical place. And the next thing I know is I tell everybody, I’m VODs Jerry Rice, for those of y’all who are older out there, he’s a wide receiver. And so he would say, Robin study this, and it was like I was going long on fake. And he would just give me subject matter to study with his word. And it would just blow my mind because it would bring understanding to my members. And that is where faith comes. It comes in understanding the word and hearing the Word and understanding the word. And so God began to have me teach the sciences, which were my weakest subject in school, I even though I got honors, and I graduated with honors in all of my schooling, and even college, it was still my weakest subject. I was not a fan of science. But God just gave me his grace. And he brought things together. And I’ve been doing that for about a decade, over a decade, Kimberly, and everything came together. And God didn’t shed me. He said, Robin, the new book you’re gonna write is mindfulness, the mind of Christ. And I said, Glory to God. I cannot write to write that book, hallelujah, Holy Spirit. And he said, and I’m going to show you how you were delivered at the receptor level of your body, to show you what printing looks like, and why you had the supernatural encounters. And I delivered to you and I was like, well, glory to God, it is about Tom because he wants to give us wisdom. If we ask, he wants to give us

Kimberly Hobbs   James 1:5.

Robin Kirby Gatto   Yep. And said these this whole decade as I was teaching all the different sciences, and even some doctors were some of the students at our schools would go to the doctor with a loved one like a parent, they would say, are you in nursing school? And she would say, No, I’m not in nursing school. But I’m in another school, I just happened in a, an ad, getting detailed anatomy of the heart, the anatomy of the lungs, the anatomy of the brain. I mean, it was just it amplifies when you take it and couple it with Scripture. And so God said, which is one of my favorite scriptures, Romans 12, one and two, he says in Romans 12, one, that we are to consecrate the body as holy as until gone, which is it’s reasonable or reasonable worship to God or reasonable service. And then after that, it says, Romans 12, two, that we’re not to be conformed to this world, but the world to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, to prove what is the acceptable of God, what is good and pleasing in His sight, by the Spirit of the Lord. And so, about two years ago, God began to speak to me about the mind and body connection, because every time I’d get delivered, my mind would say, what is going on? In this body, and the power of God would come on me by the Spirit of the Lord, because Romans 317 says, Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And so God began to show me that the body has its own language, which is the nations and the mind has its own language, which is thoughts, but it’s mainly what is my condition? Am I good? Am I okay? Am I happy? Am I satisfied? Am I bad? The mind is always that’s what order to take thoughts captive, and where not to let it get into the body. Because when it gets into the body, it becomes an experienced adult and every single one of our deliverances Kimberly, we’re not from the brain down to the body. Just like in law school, having been in social work, and switched to law school, which there are many social workers who do that, but it’s a whole different way to study. It’s a whole different school. It’s Socratic method. It’s totally different and they Give me these textbooks that really don’t have the answers in the textbooks. So you have to buy study aids to go along with the textbooks. And so it was just difficult for me to grasp law. But I just kept putting my members and when I say members I’m talking about, I allowed my mind to be present. But I wasn’t trying to grab it by my mind, I was just allowing my entire presence to be in for that material. And after a month, Holy Spirit would bring me the spirit of understanding, and start connecting the dots. And it would just all of a sudden just come out just so incredible. And I would understand the law completely. And that is how it is with every subject matter of science. And I will be studying such high levels of science that I keep arguing with God, please God, don’t let me study this. And then all of a sudden, the spirit of understanding connects everything, and I totally understand what’s going on. And so he began to show me he said, Robin, your body has the language of emotion. And your mind has the language of thoughts, he said, but those two connect in the spirit realm and the language of fruit, and your fruit is seen in the spirit realm. And God began to have me and it’s all this is all in mindfulness, the mind of Christ. And I write three chapters on the language of fruit and about the mind body connection. And God said, Robin, where does it say in my word to consecrate your mind first, he said, so many people are trying to get free from the mind down to the body, and the body is not consecrated, and they’re not going to get free. He said, All you did is you put your entire person in front of the word, and you just kept reading the Word, and you weren’t trying to understand it, you’re trying to make anything out of it, you just did it on eBay. And as I was committed, I do it like a 401 K plan, you put so much in, and the company puts them at gym, but God puts above that, right, and he wants to know your commitment. And then his return is the power of Holy Spirit. And so God began to bring understanding about the concentration of the body at the receptor level, where particularly memories are stored in the body, not in neurons, but at this particular receptor, called the G protein coupled receptor, which scientists have articulated, is responsible for our behavior, and for our perception. And so we don’t realize that we’re perceiving through our emotions, and that your emotions are literally neuro peptides hitting this receptor, unpacking memories, and what God did in that first marriage without abuser. And even through the anger of my brother, as he brought in Exodus 1019, where he sins Holy Spirit, He sends a strong west wind to remove all the locusts, and cast them into the Red Sea. And this is the foundation of John Deere ting to which is pruning and it is pruning these memories in your body, that are stored up that are behind your perception behind your behavior. And then God brought in greater understanding as even as I mentioned to you the other day, as we see natural supplements that he says in His word like Isaiah 714 and 15, with a prophecy of a manual, where those natural supplements of a bitter thing, and honey, that sweet thing, and these two tastes, but it’s happened to hit this receptor in your body. And I seen and heard praise reports left and right, where people with nicotine addiction, smoking three packs a day for years, they start doing the consecration of the body, and they start doing this bittersweet taste test that I talked about with scripture, and they’re seeing deliverance. And so it’s about seeing because unclean spirits what God showed me attached to the body, and they attached to the receptor, they’re not going to attach to Holy. They’re not attached to the clean. They’re going to attach to the unclean, and the unclean, are those memories that are stored in the body. Oh, is that not powerful?

Kimberly Hobbs   It is so powerful, so powerful. Like ladies, gee, I hope and pray that you are getting there. And I knew there was going to be so much here, but even like, it’s crazy. So we’re going to this is part one ladies. And I’m just encouraging you to tune into next week when we have part two where Robin will finish this because there is so much here. And this is so powerful. And there’s so many of us that are holding on to these addictions, these things that are controlling us. And it’s all going back to like Robin said, you know, like with, well, again, biblically, we got to go back to what God’s Word says. And that’s where we’re gonna get the freedom. So she’s gonna expound on this a little bit more next week. But we have to cut here. And I just want to thank you, but she is going to completely empower you next week at the end with those words, but let us just thank God for what you have brought to us today and sharing your story, Robin. And ladies, if you’re feeling the Holy Spirit moving, and you’ve got to tune in next week, please do so because she’s gonna bring it home with all of what God has given her. This was this woman is full of Godly wisdom. She’s got all of the book smarts, as you know, by her degrees and everything God has given her but now you get a chance to hear the Godly wisdom that he has poured in because she asked her James one, five, if any of us lack wisdom, let us ask God and he’ll give it to us generously to any of us who asked. So tune in next week and we’re going to hear a little bit about that. Ladies, I pray you are blessed today from what you’ve received so far. And from his heart to yours. We are women, world leaders. All content is copyrighted and cannot be used without express written consent. Thank you ladies and Thank you Robin. We are so happy to have you. Have a great day.