October 15, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


“God began to do a good work in you. And I am sure that he will keep on doing it until he has finished it. He will keep on until the day Jesus Christ comes again.” (Philippians 1:6)

We see when the pain arrives unannounced, we have a choice to either be defeated by it or acknowledge that God is able!

Many among the fearful of us have asked this question, “When will suffering or difficulties hit me?” And some of us may have never had the ability to even ask this question, yet it just hits us! 

We live in a world fractured by sin and as a result, suffering and difficulty will inevitably visit us all at some point. When the pain arrives unannounced we have the choice to be defeated by it or acknowledge that God is able!

Ephesians 3:20 says, “He is able!” and… He is able to save you to the uttermost- Hebrews 7:25.

Galatians 6:9: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”  Doing good works is a way to show love to God.

We are excited announce that after 2.5 years of long hard work, we got to launch the book, “Who Is Able?” The Dana Louise Cryer Story. It’s a total good work of what only God can do. This amazing book is a God ordained story and Dana Cryer is an example of a woman of God who has lived this story of the unimaginable. Her good work is that she is sharing this story to help others for God’s glory.

The work on this has been completed. Now the book is ready to go out into the world for God’s glory as this story launches with tremendous purpose. Reaching people for kingdom purposes is our goal.

The Bible describes many rewards for doing good works, including an inheritance that never fades, a crown of righteousness, and eternal life.  Inside this story, Dana Cryers heart of forgiveness towards her perpetrator exemplifies what only Jesus can do for a person when they confess their sins and except Him as Savior. God shows how He offers each one of us true forgiveness in His Word.

By sharing this compelling true story with the world, Dana shares her heart-wrenching story as a “labor of love” to witness and testify that God gave her strength to do the impossible that He can do through her if she allowed Him to. And she did!

Women World Leaders and World Publishing and Productions came together to pray, fast  and then write this book for the glory of God  showing others what a life that reflects true forgiveness can do for one’s soul. Dana’s story is extraordinary. 

Colossians 3:23-24 says to work heartily as if for the Lord, knowing that God will reward you. Dana worked through extreme pain to be able to share what happened to her as a child and for people to hear what only God can do if you are willing to forgive the unthinkable.

The Bible describes that God found joy in His work as He created the heavens and earth and each of us! He created you for a purpose and plan and He created this dear woman, Dana Cryer. 

God worked everything together in this true life story and He allowed Dana’s book to finally be here to show us that no matter what horror hits us in life, He sees everything and is working on our behalf! Continuously working! Always working!!!!

Since Dana was made in God’s image she was meant to create and find joy in her work of getting her story and this book finished for the glory of God and for the world to witness it. As we all prayed, wrote this book and supported Dana, God brought joy through her pain of re-living and testifying of it so you can read it. May we all support her now in what only God has done. Through this child who had no childhood, teenager who missed out on a loving family or having any friends, there was no joy to be found. Torments of Dana’s tiny body being ripped apart turned into to a life filled with an over abundance of Jesus and His joy. How?  Read this astounding book today and find a takeaway you will never ever forget!  Only He is Able!

Available now- you can purchase your copy through Amazon OR Worldpublishingandproductions.com and then help share this unforgettable story with everyone you know, please. We can’t wait to hear from you. 
