His heart for us
Our Mission, Vision & Prayer
Women World Leaders is on a mission to globally invest in the lives of women as they discover their lifework and purpose within God’s design. As they develop their God-given abilities and gifts, women are finding the power to serve in God’s grace, a unity of fellowship among believers, and the joy of experiencing the exceeding abundance of God’s glorious work.
At a pivotal time in her life, WWL Founder Kimberly Hobbs sensed God calling her to begin a global outreach to influence women across every culture. The vision to see women thrive within their God-given skills and talents evolved from a small group of committed ladies into a bustling ministry of servants united in heart and mission. With humility and love, women leaders all over the world began to serve within their calling, spreading the hope of the Gospel, and enjoying extraordinary encouragement through the many facets of Women World Leaders. Kimberly propels the ministry forward with her contagious energy, inspirational speaking and writing, and her desire for ladies to discover the role they were created to enjoy. As the ministry increasingly expands, God is on the move with exciting new ventures and like-minded partnerships. He continues to bring a storehouse of servants willing to position themselves to bring glory to His name and declare the abundance of living as a beloved daughter of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Gracious Lord, thank you for the opportunity to serve you by encouraging others to view their value and purpose through your life-giving lens. May we steward well all that you have entrusted to us so that your Name and renown reach to the farthest ends of the earth. May we uphold integrity, character, and humility in a way that draws others to you, resulting in radically changed lives transformed by your power alone. Protect us from pride as we commit ourselves to your service and seek to represent you in the highest honor. We humbly ask for your favor in expanding our influence beyond what we could ever accomplish. Help us to give our very best as we declare the depths of your abounding love, mercy, and grace that freely flow without end. Amen.